Fringe Italia Off Network

A Network of Festivals, Theatres and industry members creating an "off" fringe circuit

Become a PARTNER with your space or venue, and join the Fringe Festivals as an
INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL for a moving and unforgettable experience


One of the most urget needs for self-produced shows is a deeper connection between artists and artistic directors.

FRINGE ITALIA OFF NETWORK, made up of MILANO OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL and CATANIA OFF FRINGE FESTIVAL, in their sixth and third editions respectively, is a network that unites theaters and industry professionals throughout Italy and abroad who wish to enhance their programming by encouraging independent, or "off," performing artists.

Joining the FRINGE "OFF" NETWORK is quite simple: just fill in and send the online form below to join as an Artistic Partner.

Your request will be reviewed by the artistic directors, and if confirmed we will send you a welcome e-mail defining all of the participation terms according to the general conditions offered to Artistic Partners:

  • Your venue information and name will be posted on the Fringe Italia Off Network page of the website and you will be issued an "INDUSTRY PASS" accreditation, valid for free admission to all scheduled shows at the Milano Off and Catania Off Fringe Festivals.
  • MIOFF-CTOFF and the partner venue/festival will place their logos on each other's sites to demonstrate a friendly partnership and their participation in the FRINGE ITALIA OFF NETWORK.
  • Partners who make an explicit request will be able to access the trailers, videos, and full details of all shows entered in the two Milan and Catania Fringe Festivals, with personal online access to the dedicated sections of the Milano Off and Catania Off websites.
  •  The Partner venue/festival will offer an opportunity to a company or artist from MIOFF and/or CTOFF, inviting them to participate in a festival, season, residency, training, or other type of opportunity defined by the Partner venue/festival. 
  • Each partner venue/festival has the right to choose (or have Fringe Italia Off management choose) one show from its own programming to be included in the next MI OFF / CT OFF Fringe with automatic acceptance and waived participation fees.
  • The participation announcement and/or the MI OFF and CT OFF websites will indicate the general economic and logistic conditions of the award offered by the Partner venue/festival (such as accommodation or hospitality support, waived venue and registration fees, etc.).
  • A head of the Partner venue/festival will be invited to join the specialized jury of MI OFF and CT OFF to evaluate various performances.
  •  The names of jury members will be posted on the MI OFF and CT OFF websites, even if a delegate attends performances on their behalf.
  • The Partner Festival/Venue will share the MI OFF - CT OFF Artist Application and relevant posts on their website and social media, allowing for dissemination and information of the festival(s); in the even the venue/festival is located in the Festival city, MI OFF / CT OFF will deliver festival booklets or flyers to the venue. News of relevant events reported by the Partner Facilities will also be given on the newsletters and social media of Fringe Italia OFF.
  • A delegate from the Partner venue/festival will attend (either online or in person) the "pitch" sessions: 3-minute meetings with each company/artist participating in MI OFF-CT OFF in which they have a chance to talk about the artistic project they are presenting at the Fringe.
  • A delegate from the Partner venue/festival will be available to attend (online or in person) the conferences, Focuses, workshops, and other professional initiatives organized by MI OFF-CT OFF.

Now all that remains is to become an active part of the artistic world of the

Fill out the form below and write in your proposals for collaboration in the box below.


Company *
Organization Logo *
Brief description of the organization

First Name

Last name *
qualification *
E-Mail *
Phone *
Website *

Nome  *
Cognome *
Telefono *

Organization nformation

Parteciperai al Festival?

Quante persone sarete?


Condizioni Award

Vuoi diventare partner assegnatario di un AWARD?

Descrizione condizioni Award


Privacy *

Renato LOMBARDO and Francesca VITALE
tel. +39 347 6372592

info - tel/Whatsapp +39 391 1418299

Cultural Association LA MEMORIA DEL TEATRO
Via Giacomo Leopardi, 141 - 95127 Catania
Via Fontana, 22 - 20122 Milano



Completa la richiesta di partecipazione al bando pagando la quota di partecipazione di € 15,00.